Friday 23 September 2011

Letter For My Life

William Wright
484 Gran Oro Road
Kaleden, B.C.
September 22, 2011

Captain Van Camp
HMS Princess Margaret

O Captain, My Captain:

These times are desperate, and i realize that the lives of many will be ended to save the lives of few. You should know that if you decide that i am worthy to survive our predicament that your choice will not be ill made. I have a family at home, 2 sisters, parents and 2 dogs who rely on me for necessity's in life. I work at the twin lakes golf course to pay for groceries and expenses. I harvest trees for firewood to heat out house. Without me stomachs would churn empty, and a home would run frigid and suffice as a casket for those I would leave behind. 

Our crew is a sturdy house made of bricks and mortar, It stands strong through all conditions. But just like every house, fine cracks run within its walls, flawing its design. Other than myself, a sturdy brick the others already broken need not be spared. They have no lives other than their own in their mind, they will speak of ideas and obvious delusions of their's that they promise to uphold and use to act as a memorial to the lives lost on this day but they are, just delusions. And the lives they have concern only themselves not others.

But I have a dream. A goal that I will make true If you save me. Let me walk out of this vessel unharmed and i will glorify your decisions as a leader and savior. I will construct orcestras devoted to your name and they shall demonstrate the our journey, and those lives lost. What way to better commemorate this tragedy other than through music. This decision is your's to make and your's alone.

Sincerely, Billis Wright

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