Tuesday 13 December 2011


Sandy Nguyen
123 boomshakalaka
Penticton, B.C.

December 13, 2011
Santa Claus
Lord of The North
HMS Princess Margaret
Santa Baby,

How's the pole working for ya? I really miss you. I wish you didn't come just once a year but multiple times! Maybe 3 times in a day even. I even start decorating 3 months in adavance just so everything perfect when you arrive. And instead of cookies I make you egg fu young. I make you lots of egg fu young. So you already know what I want for Christmas right? But just in case you forgot I put you're egg fu young on a platter with my favorite white asian hybrid William Wright's face plastered on the top just like my pillow and that poster of him above my bed so I can fall asleep staring into his dreamy eyes. I got the picture of him while he was sleeping but dont tell anyone. I tried to get another one for my birthday but he just yelled "OMG WHAT ARE YOU DOING I'M TAKING A SHOWER!" Also, if you could get me a raise at China palace that'd be so perfect like omg. It's bad enough that I confuse everyone in the restaurant by being Vietnamese serving chineese food but the fact is that I get paid $12.00 an hour and it's not enough to pay for all the cd's from asian boy bands that I import from Korea.

Yours truly, xoxo gossip girl

Friday 9 December 2011

On a Poet's Whim

If I could offer you my....
Well thats just it
What do you want!
I could bring you the moon on a lasso conjured from the very heavens themselves
Woven from the very essence of life that courses through mine and yours,
yes, I could bring you the moon
But is that what you want my sweet!
Your silence says it all! As I stand here 3 feet small I bring you the moon!
This suspense is intense and as I clench I can see in your eyes you're happy
And then I fall to my knees In such a splendid serendipity I pleasantly exert stupidity and believe it!
Yes I've brought you the moon but now its time to smash it
Grab my steel and hack at it until it bleeds Kool-Aid screaming OHH-YEA OHH-YEA
But ohh no! this moon phades to dust and im left here alone
I stand by myself and see you!
not here but there and I feel you everywhere
So I sit as my own piece of shit sitting in my underwear and I think maybe you have what you want
Maybe the Grinch's heart did grow 3 sizes maybe If i do answer kebert xela alex trebek will go back where he came from
And as I open my eyes from my own demise after you ask me what I got for our anniversary I say!
"Honey, I brought you the moon."

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Awesome titlating title

     With the death of neil perry, Mr. Keating leaves his students grasping an idea that was once out of reach. Dead Poet's Society directed by Peter Weir depicts the life of 5 boys attending Welton academy under strict rule of the headmaster Mr. Knowlton, when suddenly a new teacher is assigned to their english class and teaches them lessons well beyond that expected from the schoolboard. During this time the boys find that their teacher once belonged to a group called the Dead Poet's Society and decide to form one of their own. The teacher, Mr. Keating, counsels the boys on non-conformity, the Carpe Diem philosophy, and leadership in an attempt to carve these boys into men without hearts of stone but balls of steel.

     Non-conformity, the refusal to act accordingly to accepted standards. During class Mr. Keating told all of the students to march but to make your march, your own. During said exercises the rebellious leader of the dead poet's society Charlie Dalton  exercises his right to stand still. Instead of discouraging this irrational behaviour, Keating encourages it and congratulates his student on his refusal to assimilate and effort to remain individual and unique.

     To live ones life to the fullest is the ultimate goal of mankind. No matter the culture, the location, the poverty, to seize the day is the philosophy of all who walk this earth. Keating tells the boys to suck the marrow out of life. This shows that he truly cares about more than just the minimum standard. He wants his students to excell in a way that won't leave them wanting more out of life. Mr. Keating is more than a scholar of the literary arts but a true testament to human society.  ..........Ran out Of time