Friday 9 December 2011

On a Poet's Whim

If I could offer you my....
Well thats just it
What do you want!
I could bring you the moon on a lasso conjured from the very heavens themselves
Woven from the very essence of life that courses through mine and yours,
yes, I could bring you the moon
But is that what you want my sweet!
Your silence says it all! As I stand here 3 feet small I bring you the moon!
This suspense is intense and as I clench I can see in your eyes you're happy
And then I fall to my knees In such a splendid serendipity I pleasantly exert stupidity and believe it!
Yes I've brought you the moon but now its time to smash it
Grab my steel and hack at it until it bleeds Kool-Aid screaming OHH-YEA OHH-YEA
But ohh no! this moon phades to dust and im left here alone
I stand by myself and see you!
not here but there and I feel you everywhere
So I sit as my own piece of shit sitting in my underwear and I think maybe you have what you want
Maybe the Grinch's heart did grow 3 sizes maybe If i do answer kebert xela alex trebek will go back where he came from
And as I open my eyes from my own demise after you ask me what I got for our anniversary I say!
"Honey, I brought you the moon."

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