Friday 7 September 2012

Grade 12 assignment yo, Hizzity heyaa

It is a time of reckoning. Every aching moment of my life has lead to this. As I head face first into my grade 12 year, a strange concoction of happiness, depression, hatred, and nervousness brew within my cauldron of madness. But no emotion is more grand than the remorse that shall echo from the student body here at princess Margaret. As I plan to wave my wand and create the most epic grad prank ever seen. There will be no escape for the teachers fumbling through the halls, dumbfounded by the uneducated miscreants who inhabit this wretched place. The school shall never be the same. For after 12 long years of abuse from a dilapidated school system, homework from hairy teachers, and over indulgence of McDonalds, it is now time to return the favor. The very idea of a prank so vast is stimulating! A prank so intense, so fierce that bowels shall quiver at it’s dawn, sending excrement up and down the halls. Fecal matter shall coat the walls as if it were applied as the final coat! All the while the children will run ramped, and teacher's will attempt to contain the madness. And all the while I shall stand, calm and collected watching the anarchy in the halls, with a sense of cool, having thought to put garbage bags on my feet.

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